Sunday, October 6, 2013

Perbualan si ibu dengan anaknya

Si Anak: mak.... adik kena duduk kampus sempena cuti semester nanti. Kena buat gerak kerja untuk program. lepastu pensyarah suruh stay sane sebab kena buat experimen untuk projek sarjana muda.

Si Emak: ohhh... nanti duduk mane?

Si Anak: duduk kat hostel. Tapi tapayah bayar kot sebab ade buat surat untuk menginap kat hostel tu. Makan boleh je carik mane2 ade jer kot cafe yang bukak nanti...

si anak terdiam seketika. Sebenarnya dia mengalami masalah kewangan. Tapi dia berasa malu dan bersalah untuk meminta duit dari ibunya untuk perbelanjaan sempena cuti semester nanti. ibunya seperti mengetahui akan masalah kewangan yang dihadapi oleh anaknya itu. Tambahan pula,dia tahu yang anaknya tiada sumber kewangan kerana anaknya itu tidak berkerja sambilan sempena cuti semester lepas. Biasanya, anaknya itu akan bekerja sambilan setiap kali cuti semester untuk menambah duit poket bagi menaggung perbelanjaan setiap semesternya. oleh kerana anaknya itu terpaksa menjalani Latihan industri, maka sumber kewangannya terputus. berapalah sangat elaun yang diberi oleh syarikat untuk pelatih industri.Tak lepas pun untuk membayar yuran latihan industri yang dikenakan oleh fakulti.

Si emak: macamana nanti? Cukup tak duit nak duduk sane(kampus) nanti?

Si anak: Tengoklah nanti mak. adik pinjam kat kak long. takpon makcik. nanti dah dapat duit PTPTN semester depan adik bayar lah.

Si emak: Esok petang kita pegi pejabat post ye. bawak buku ASB mak sekali

Si anak: kenapa? nak buat apa?

Si emak: Adik kan nak pakai duit. nanti keluarkan lah sikit.

Si anak: ish.. mak ni.. tak payahlah,. tu untuk simpanan hari tua mak. lagipun berapalah sangat duit dalam ASB mak tu.

Si emak: Takpe lah dik.. mak tak heran dengan duit tu. Adik nak belajar kan.. tu pun untuk masa depan adik.. yang mak harapkan cuma satu je. Nanti kalau mak dah tua, mak harap snagat yang adik dapat jaga mak.

Si anak: * menangis dalam hati. Insyaallah mak...

Saturday, October 5, 2013

People who treated you like dirt

It's not like I have super sensitive feeling or something. It's just...... it's so devastating when people seems don't care that you actually have tried everything to make them comfortable/happy.

Don't you get tired?. Everytime you try, the dirt was thrown on you. They gave you "that" look, that attitude....seems like you worth nothing.

It's pathetic that you have tried so hard and they don't even care. No... It's really really PATHETIC. 

Some of people said that... "oh boy, you really have a super sensitive, touchy feely heart. Get over it bitch". Let me tell you something. Every people have their own path of life. Some path make them more sensitive about certain issues, and some makes them heartless. It's easy for you to compare between you and I. I bet you won't last a day if you were in my shoes.

For your information, I chose to keep my mouth shut because I don't want to deal with that shit. It's not like I'm moody or anything. Yes, I admit there is still a little bit hearthy feeling... but just a little ok...and i chose to buried it nd deal with it later. on my own

I have this habit... I care way too much about people who treated me like dirt.  It's really pathetic that you have a great capacity to love people but they kept hurting you but you keep loving. That's SAD right?

So dear me, please guide your self to love people who love you. Open your heart to the people who love you and open your heart to love them back unconditionally. Please stay away your soul, your body and your heart from the people who don't give a shit about you. 

This video might help you. don't care about the thing that shouldn't to be worried about. #3-people who treated you like dirt 

Things not to worry about:

Thanks Dneilryn for this motivational advice. I'll keep in mind

Monday, July 8, 2013

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